
Hi Internet!

How do you do? I’m not sure where I’m headed, but i would like to try and play with you a little bit.

What i would like to share is the feeling of beauty and power that i feel every time i open my python shell.

Who am I? I’m just a physicist who work on biophysics and biological data analysis, and few years ago fell in love with this programming language.

I’ve always programmed, in a way or another, but for the first time I actually had fun programming. I’m not an expert, but these are my two cents for the python community, which gave me this amazing instrument.

Given my field of research, my best friends are:

  • IPython ( and especially its notebook feature..simply stunning
  • Numpy (, for dealing with matrices and array
  • Matplotlib ( for plotting the data
  • Scipy ( for all the numerical algorithms
  • Sympy ( for the symbolic mathematics

But sometimes I hang out with these buddies:

  • Networkx ( for dealing with network analysis
  • Pandas ( for managing tabular data
  • PyTables ( for managing HUGE tabular data
  • Cython ( when performance is a necessity

Too often I stumbled upon great snippet of code to do all sort of amazing stuffs, without any eplanation on how they do that, forcing me to lose an entire day to get the idea if I ever wanted to try and modify them. What I will try to do (will I succeed? we’ll see) is to share with you some code snippet, utility classes, insights and similar, focusing on “what i want to do” and “what is the easier code to do that”, explaining the idea behind the code.

Have fun, and say hello if you like the work!